Wrong skincare procedures and myths: we don’t believe them but instinctively we still use procedures that may harm on a longer run. We surely know “that thing” is not miraculous but we still check out the mirror every 5 minutes hoping to see instant improvement. If only the mirror could speak…
- Anti-aging and wrinkle creams make your skin younger. Temporarily, it appears that they do! These are products that usually hydrate the skin and improve its appearance for a short period of time following the application by minimizing fine lines and firming contours. Retinol is very efficient for fine lines reduction but it doesn’t have permanent effects. For long younger looking skin, early prevention with sunscreen and daily hydration work best.
- Soap best cleanses the face and protects skin against acne. WRONG. Soaps contain harsh compounds that may alter the PH of your skin and aggravate acne. Cleaning your face with cosmetic soaps, excessive cleaning and drying skin out will remove the natural layer of oil which protects the skin. This can eventually lead to dryness, irritation, premature aging and acne complications. Sebum is known to contain vitamin E and this is a very efficient natural antioxidant that can also protect your skin. That’s why people with normal/oily skin look younger for a longer time as their skin is always naturally hydrated.
- More product on your skin will show faster results. Actually less is more. Especially with anti-acne products, you should not go over the quantity you need for a single application. Apply pea size dabs and spread all over the face. These products are formulated to be used in small amounts as they are highly concentrated.
- Expensive cosmetic products have the best results. Not always. Most of the ingredients in the expensive products can be equally found in the cheaper products and that includes the infamous toxic chemicals and preservatives that endanger the entire body’s health. The difference often lies in the fragrances, fillers and packages used. Chose products for their quality not for their package design.
- The artificial tanning, in the tanning beds, is safer than the natural sun exposure. Since when does artificial beat natural? Although the special tanning beds may filter some of the UVB rays with specific technology (which does not happen all the time!), the UVA ones remain active and penetrate deep into the skin layers. This is enough to cause premature aging and skin cancer. Natural sun exposure can harm if it’s excessive but in moderation it also has various benefits for your health.
- Tanning makes acne disappear. It’s not magic. If a little sun exposure can improve the healing process of existing acne, it doesn’t mean it can also prevent it. Sun burns and just a regular tan can actually lead to acne breakouts because once skin is damaged, it’s defenses are low.
- The higher the SPF of a sunsceen lotion, the better the solar protection. Miracles don’t come in bottles. That is valid only if your body lotion protects against both UVAs and UVBs and only if you respect the allowed time for sun exposure as indicated by the SPF. The highest SPF only protects for a limited amount of time and it needs re-application on the skin. For maximum UV protection, make sure you apply the lotion properly and read all instructions. And if you can, cover up!
- There is no need to apply a lotion with SPF during cloudy days. Not really! Even during cloudy days, especially in summer time or at higher altitudes, the UV rays still reach the ground and can even cause skin burns on a longer exposure. So wear a SPF lotion every day, with a recommended minimum factor of 15. Apply it half an hour prior to going outside.